[bull-ia] CFP: Apprentissage des flux de données et séries temporelles : convergences, spécificités et défis communs


« Data streams and Time Series Learning: Convergences, Specificities
and Common Challenges »

« Apprentissage des flux de données et série temporelles :
convergences, spécificités et défis communs »

September 12, 2019 Telecom ParisTech, Paris

Data streams can be considered as infinite time series. This implies
specific processing techniques insofar as the decision-making is
generally decided on the basis of partial information, likely to
evolve over time (concept drift), taking into account a history that
is difficult to delimit, that can be moreover multi-scale depending on
the nature of the temporal dependencies that characterize the
processes generating the data. Analogies and divergences therefore
characterize the two disciplinary fields that cover the processing of
data flows and time series. The objective of this day is to bring
together researchers (experienced and PhD students) to make a
situation overview on the convergences and divergences for this two
research fields by trying to identify some common challenges. The
percolation of ideas between the two disciplinary fields that will
result from this day may bring closer together researchers or even
lead to innovative and relevant research projects contributing to the
current dynamics developed around AI and (big) data sciences.

– Antoine Cornuéjols (Agroparistech, France)
– Mark Last (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev – Faculty of
Engineering Sciences, Israel)
– Valérie Monbet (IRMAR, Université de Rennes 1, France)
– Bernhard Pfahringer (University of Waikato, New Zealand)

We call for submissions from researchers and students in one of the two forms:

– Technical talk:
Each technical talk is given 15 minutes for presentation, and there
will be 6-9 talks at the workshop. To submit for a technical talk, we
require a PDF talk abstract of at most 2 pages (any format, 10 pt font
or larger). The organizing committee will review the talk abstracts to
make the final selection.

– Poster:
We anticipate every research project to be presented with a poster. It
is a great opportunity for the graduate students on the project to
present the latest results. For a poster submission, we require a
one-paragraph abstract. All posters on relevant topics will be

All presentations must be made in English due to the presence of
international participants.

Depending on the quality submissions, it is considered that extended
versions of the presented abstracts may be submitted to a special
issue of a scientific journal.

June 18, 2019: Talk or poster submission deadline
July 12, 2019: Author notification
September 1, 2019: Registration deadline
September 12, 2019: Workshop date

All deadlines are 23:59, Paris time, on the due day.

Please submit abstracts for technical talks and posters on
https://fdst2019.sciencesconf.org/user/submissions (this requires to
create an user account on the ScienceConf platform).

Albert Bifet, LTCI Telecom ParisTech
Jose A. Lozano, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics BCAM
Pierre-François Marteau, Université Bretagne Sud, IRISA

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