[bull-ia] postes de permanents contraintes, combinatoire, apprentissage à Nantes

Two permanent associate professor positions at Nantes (France) in
Constraint, Combinatorial Optimisation and Machine Learning to start in September 2019

A first associate professor permanent position will be available at Nantes University
in the TASC team (Theory, Algorithms, and Systems for Constraints).
The position is described at
see references, 4515 and 4516 ( https://www.galaxie.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/ensup/ListesPostesPublies/ANTEE/2019_1/0440984F/FOPC_0440984F_4515.pdf and https://www.galaxie.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/ensup/ListesPostesPublies/ANTEE/2019_1/0440984F/FOPC_0440984F_4516.pdf )
For this first position there is no nationality requirement.
The application deadline is 28 March 2019, 16h00 (Paris time zone).

A second associate professor permanent position (published by the end of February)
will also be available in the TASC team (Theory, Algorithms, and Systems for Constraints)
at the engineering school IMT Atlantique (https://www.imt-atlantique.fr/en ).
For this position, the nationality of the candidate should be from the European Economic Area.
and the application deadline is expected to be March 2019.

Candidates can obtain more specific information at the following email address: nicolas.beldiceanu@imt-atlantique.fr