[bull-ia] Reinforcement Learning Associate/Full Professor position

Bonjour à tous,
Ci-dessous un descriptif pour un poste d’enseignant(e)-chercheur(e).
C’est un poste ouvert suite à un mouvement interne et il n’y a pas de
fiche de poste affichée sur le site ISAE, les candidats doivent me
contacter directement.

Dear all,

A last minute opening for an Associate or Full Professor position in the
Computer Science and Mathematics department at ISAE-SUPAERO [1].
Candidates should directly contact emmanuel.rachelson@isae-supaero.fr
for inquiries and applications.
Application deadline: March 29th.

Short overview:
* Research: join the ISAE-SUPAERO Reinforcement Learning Initiative [2],
develop AI research actions and collaborate with current researchers
inside and outside SuReLI. RL can be understood in a broad sense:
applications from researchers interested in the topic and coming from
robotics, artificial life, maths, computer vision, etc. backgrounds,
with a relevant research project, will be considered with care too.
* Teaching duties: Masters level, in Machine Learning, Computer Science
and Data Science, mainly within the Data Science program [3] +
supervision of a few classes, depending on experience.
* Broader context:
– Toulouse: regularly ranked as one of the best places to live in France,
– ISAE-SUPAERO: top level Grande Ecole students, dynamic environment,
internal resources, great collaborations and network, leading
institution in Aeronautics and Space,
– major AI projects like ANITI (Artificial and Natural Intelligence –
Toulouse Institute), one of the four major AI centres in France [4].

Note: I advertised another position last month for a similar position in
AI and Computer Vision, saying that RL candidates were welcome (and
would be invited to join SuReLI too). Those are distinct positions and
candidates will be considered for both.


[1] https://www.isae-supaero.fr
[2] https://sureli.github.io/
[3] https://supaerodatascience.github.io/
[4] https://www.inria.fr/en/news/news-from-inria/four-3ia-projects-selected

*Emmanuel Rachelson*
RL research at ISAE-SUPAERO
Data and Decision Sc. training

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